Second general consortium meeting unveils SOREC2 progress
The SOREC2 consortium held its second general assembly (CGA) at the ICFO facilities on May 7th and 8th. 25 members of the consortium actively participated in this meeting,which focused on sharing the latest advancements across various work packages (WPs) achieved over the past 18 months and planning the future next steps.
ICFO and SAULE researchers from WP2 kicked off the meeting by presenting the progress they made in developing photonic structures. These structures aim to capture sunlight and convert it into usable energy to power the future SOREC2 device
Representatives from UAB, involved in WP3, presented insights into the efforts in the development of the photoanode and the catalytic system for CO2 reduction, essential components for the CO2 conversion approach.
Following that, UNIFE presented the developments from WP4, related to the photoelectrochemical cell up-scaling strategy. VITSOLC, an ICFO spin-off and also a member of the consortium, showed some preliminary results in the set-up of an outdoor photovoltaic monitoring system for use within the project
Day one concluded with a social dinner aimed at fostering bonds among project participants.
Second day: communication, market potential and citizen engagement
The second day, the spotlight of the presentations shifted to Communication, Dissemination and Outreach activities carried out by WP6.
Representatives from ICFO and SAULE discussed afterwards on the future market potential of the technology, which is part of the tasks of WP5. Finally, DBT team members presented the developments related to citizen engagement strategies to boost the social acceptance of the technology.
The project manager of SOREC2 concluded the general discussion by providing partners with instructions for the upcoming reporting and review process of the first half of the project.
Subsequently, in the afternoon, project members toured ICFO research facilities, including the new clean room and the various laboratories of the Organic Nanostructured Photovoltaics Research group.
Following the CGA, members of WP2 and WP3 held parallel meetings to devise common and effective strategies for approaching the next research steps.